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English translation of dibujo


The Spanish word 'dibujo' translates to 'drawing' in English. This term is widely used in artistic contexts to refer to either an activity involving creating visual art, usually with the use of pencils, pens, crayons, etc., or the piece of art produced by this activity. Additionally, 'dibujo' can be used metaphorically or in a broader sense to refer to the layout or design of something, much like how 'drawing' is utilized in English.

Example sentences using: dibujo

Necesito un dibujo para entender mejor.

English translation of Necesito un dibujo para entender mejor.

I need a drawing to understand better.

This sentence is used to express the necessity of visual representation, specifically a drawing, for a better understanding of something.

El dibujo de Mariana es muy detallado.

English translation of El dibujo de Mariana es muy detallado.

Mariana's drawing is very detailed.

This sentence is used to give a compliment to Mariana about the details of her drawing.

¿Puedes ver el dibujo en la pared?

English translation of ¿Puedes ver el dibujo en la pared?

Can you see the drawing on the wall?

This sentence is a question asking if the other person is able to see the drawing that is on the wall.

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