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English translation of devoto


The Spanish word 'devoto' translates to 'devotee' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is very devoted or dedicated to a certain cause or belief. In a religious context, it can specifically refer to a person who is highly dedicated to their religion or faith. This term can be used in various contexts, not just religious, to describe a high level of dedication or commitment to something.

Example sentences using: devoto

Él es devoto a su fe

English translation of Él es devoto a su fe

He is devoted to his faith

In this sentence, 'devoto' is used to express strong religious commitment. It conveys the sense of dedication and fervor one experiences towards their faith.

Esta novela rinde homenaje a todos los trabajadores devotos

English translation of Esta novela rinde homenaje a todos los trabajadores devotos

This novel pays tribute to all devoted workers

Here, 'devotos' is used to attribute the characteristic of dedication and hard work to the workers. It implies they commit to their tasks with sincerity and devotion.

Maria es una devota seguidora del equipo local de futbol

English translation of Maria es una devota seguidora del equipo local de futbol

Maria is a devoted supporter of the local football team

In this context, 'devota' is used to highlight the attachment, loyalty, and strong support Maria has towards her local football team. The term can be used to express commitment in any aspect of life, beyond religious connotations.

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