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devaluarse la moneda

English translation of devaluarse la moneda

devaluation of the currency

The phrase 'devaluarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'devaluation of the currency' in English. It refers to the decrease in the value of a country's money relative to the value of the money of one or more foreign countries. Such a situation may happen due to various economic factors and can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the country's residents. Where the money is worth less, the price of goods and services may rise leading to inflation.

Example sentences using: devaluarse la moneda

La economía del país comenzó a tambalearse cuando se empezó a devaluarse la moneda.

English translation of La economía del país comenzó a tambalearse cuando se empezó a devaluarse la moneda.

The country's economy began to falter when the currency began to devalue.

This sentence describes a situation where a country's economy started to wobble due to the devaluation of its currency. Devaluation generally results in increased inflation and an increase in the cost of imported goods.

El gobierno está tomando medidas para evitar que se devaluase la moneda.

English translation of El gobierno está tomando medidas para evitar que se devaluase la moneda.

The government is taking measures to prevent the currency from devaluating.

This sentence talks about government actions being implemented in order to prevent the currency from losing its value. In real world context, such measures might include increasing interest rates, decreasing public spending or implementing monetary controls.

Si continúa devaluándose la moneda, puede que entremos en una crisis económica.

English translation of Si continúa devaluándose la moneda, puede que entremos en una crisis económica.

If the currency's devaluation continues, we might enter an economic crisis.

This sentence depicts a scenario where a continued drop in currency value might result in an economic crisis. Devaluating currency often leads to higher inflation rates and economic instability, possibly culminating in an economic crisis if left unchecked.

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