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deuda pública

English translation of deuda pública

public debt

'Deuda pública' is a Spanish term that translates to 'public debt' in English. It refers to the debt owed by a central government. Public debt can include money owed to foreign governments, domestic investors and other entities. It is essentially the amount of money that the state needs to finance its functioning when tax revenues and other state incomes are not sufficient. Public debt is a significant aspect of a country's financial structure and economic policy.

Example sentences using: deuda pública

La deuda pública de nuestro país está aumentando.

English translation of La deuda pública de nuestro país está aumentando.

The public debt of our country is increasing.

This sentence is about the growing public debt of the speaker's country. Public debt refers to the total financial obligations of the government, including debts owed to individuals, businesses, and other governments.

El gobierno está tomando medidas para reducir la deuda pública.

English translation of El gobierno está tomando medidas para reducir la deuda pública.

The government is taking measures to reduce public debt.

In this sentence, the speaker discusses the actions being taken by the government to reduce public debt. This could involve various strategies such as budget cuts, tax increases, or other fiscal measures.

El análisis de la deuda pública es esencial para la economía del país.

English translation of El análisis de la deuda pública es esencial para la economía del país.

Analysis of public debt is essential for the country's economy.

This sentence points out the importance of understanding public debt in assessments of the economic health of a country. By analyzing the levels and types of public debt, economists can predict potential economic problems or identify areas for policy change.

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