arrest for a drug trafficking offence
The Spanish phrase 'detener por un delito de tráfico de drogas' translates to 'arrest for a drug trafficking offence' in English. In this phrase, 'detener' means 'to arrest', 'por un' means 'for a', 'delito' means 'offence', 'de tráfico de drogas' means 'of drug trafficking'. This phrase is generally used in legal or law enforcement contexts, particularly in reports or discussions pertaining to drug crime.
The police had to arrest the driver of the gray truck for a drug trafficking offense.
In this sentence, the police had to stop the truck driver due to his involvement in drug trafficking.
Juan was arrested for a drug trafficking offense while trying to cross the border.
In this context, Juan was stopped and arrested by authorities for drug trafficking when he tried to cross the country's border.
Arresting for a drug trafficking crime is a dangerous task for police officers.
This statement elaborates on the hazardous aspect of the job of a police officer, particularly in dealing with offenses related to drug trafficking.