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English translation of desvío


The Spanish word 'desvío' translates to 'deviation' in English. It can be used in various contexts. In a literal sense, it is often used to refer to a route that deviates or departs from a main path or direction. In a more abstract sense, 'desvío' could also connotate diverging from a rule, standard, or expected behavior. Therefore, the term has both concrete and abstract uses in the Spanish language.

Example sentences using: desvío

El desvío en la carretera nos hizo llegar tarde a la reunión.

English translation of El desvío en la carretera nos hizo llegar tarde a la reunión.

The detour on the road made us late for the meeting.

In this phrase, 'desvío' is used to denote a different, typically longer route that is taken typically when the main route is blocked. The diverted or alternate route caused the delay to the meeting.

Desvío mis pensamientos hacia algo más positivo.

English translation of Desvío mis pensamientos hacia algo más positivo.

I divert my thoughts towards something more positive.

The phrase uses 'desvío' in a metaphorical sense to represent the shifting of one's attention or thoughts from one topic to another, here from negative to positive.

Siempre tomo un desvío para evitar el tráfico.

English translation of Siempre tomo un desvío para evitar el tráfico.

I always take a detour to avoid traffic.

Here, 'desvío' suggests a different path or route that one chooses to take in order to avoid something, in this case, traffic. It pits the use of 'desvío' as a strategy for efficient travelling.

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