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despertar odio

English translation of despertar odio

arouse hatred

The Spanish term 'despertar odio' translates to 'stir up hatred' in English. It is a phrase used to describe the act of provoking or inciting feelings of hatred or hostility in another person. For instance, one might use it to express heightened animosity between previously friendly parties resulting from some form of provocation.

Example sentences using: despertar odio

La injusticia sólo consigue despertar odio entre la gente.

English translation of La injusticia sólo consigue despertar odio entre la gente.

Injustice only manages to awaken hatred among people.

This sentence means that unfair actions often lead to negative feelings such as hatred amongst those who are affected or who witness such injustice.

Su falta de respeto puede despertar odio en los demás.

English translation of Su falta de respeto puede despertar odio en los demás.

Your lack of respect can awaken hatred in others.

This sentence underscores the idea that not showing respect can often result in negative feelings such as hatred from others.

La forma en que tratas a las personas puede despertar odio.

English translation of La forma en que tratas a las personas puede despertar odio.

The way you treat people can awaken hatred.

This sentence highlights the fact that people's actions and the way they interact with others can provoke negative emotions like hatred.

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