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despertar enemistad

English translation of despertar enemistad

arouse enmity

The Spanish phrase 'despertar enemistad' translates to 'awaken enmity' in English. It is often used to describe the action of causing or stimulating hostility or unfriendly feelings between two parties. This might be due to a disagreement, a conflict of interest, or a competitive situation. The phrase can be used in various contexts and at several communication levels, such as during personal conversations or in formal writings.

Example sentences using: despertar enemistad

Él siempre logra despertar enemistad con sus actitudes arrogantes.

English translation of Él siempre logra despertar enemistad con sus actitudes arrogantes.

He always manages to arouse animosity with his arrogant attitudes.

In this sentence, 'despertar enemistad' is used to express that someone's behavior or attitudes are causing others to feel animosity or enmity towards them. The subject of the sentence ('Él') is being criticized for his arrogant behavior, which is causing others to dislike him.

Sus acciones suelen despertar enemistad dentro del equipo de trabajo.

English translation of Sus acciones suelen despertar enemistad dentro del equipo de trabajo.

His actions often arouse animosity within the working team.

This sentence implies that the person in question ('Sus') is doing something that is causing discord within their team ('equipo de trabajo'). The phrase 'despertar enemistad' is used here to describe that the person's actions are causing others in the team to feel animosity or hostility towards them.

No queremos despertar enemistad entre los hermanos con esta decisión.

English translation of No queremos despertar enemistad entre los hermanos con esta decisión.

We don’t want to arouse animosity between the brothers with this decision.

In this example, 'despertar enemistad' refers to creating an antagonistic or hostile relationship between people due to some action or decision ('esta decisión'). The speakers are expressing their desire to avoid causing conflict or ill-feelings ('enemistad') between the brothers due to their decision.

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