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English translation of desodorante


The Spanish word 'desodorante' translates to 'deodorant' in English. It is a substance that one applies to the body to prevent or mask the smell of perspiration. It can come in various forms such as sticks, sprays, roll-ons, and even natural versions. The equivalent word in Spanish is 'desodorante'.

Example sentences using: desodorante

Necesito comprar desodorante.

English translation of Necesito comprar desodorante.

I need to buy deodorant.

This is a simple sentence where the speaker expresses the need to purchase deodorant. It's a common phrase you might use in everyday conversation, especially in a shopping context.

¿Tienes desodorante extra?

English translation of ¿Tienes desodorante extra?

Do you have extra deodorant?

This is a question someone might ask if they need deodorant and they're asking someone else if they have any to spare. This kind of phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, like at home or when traveling.

Prefiero el desodorante sin aluminio.

English translation of Prefiero el desodorante sin aluminio.

I prefer aluminum-free deodorant.

This sentence indicates a preference for a specific type of deodorant, namely one that does not contain aluminum. This sentence could be relevant in a conversation about personal care products or health and wellness.

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