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deshojar una flor

English translation of deshojar una flor

pluck a flower

The Spanish phrase 'deshojar una flor' literally translates to 'pluck a flower' in English. It's generally used to refer to removing the petals from a flower one by one. The phrase can also be metaphorically used to mean disassembling or breaking down something step by step, much like plucking the petals of a flower.

Example sentences using: deshojar una flor

Es divertido deshojar una flor mientras se pasea por el parque.

English translation of Es divertido deshojar una flor mientras se pasea por el parque.

It's fun to pluck the petals from a flower while walking in the park.

This phrase suggests that walking around the park, whilst plucking petals from a flower, is an enjoyable and relaxing activity.

Recuerdo deshojar una flor cuando era niño.

English translation of Recuerdo deshojar una flor cuando era niño.

I remember plucking the petals from a flower when I was a child.

This phrase uses the verb 'remember' to express a person's fond memory from their childhood.

Me encanta deshojar una flor durante las primeras citas.

English translation of Me encanta deshojar una flor durante las primeras citas.

I love to pluck the petals from a flower during first dates.

This phrase implies that the act of plucking flower petals is seen as a romantic gesture during initial encounters or first dates.

A veces me encuentro deshojando una flor sin darme cuenta.

English translation of A veces me encuentro deshojando una flor sin darme cuenta.

Sometimes I find myself plucking the petals of a flower without realizing it.

This phrase is used to express that the person is doing something absent-mindedly, or without conscious thought.

¿Alguna vez has intentado deshojar una flor sin arruinarla?

English translation of ¿Alguna vez has intentado deshojar una flor sin arruinarla?

Have you ever tried to pluck the petals of a flower without ruining it?

This sentence is a question about carefulness and delicacy in dealing with something fragile, like a flower.

Prefiero deshojar una flor que ver televisión.

English translation of Prefiero deshojar una flor que ver televisión.

I prefer to pluck the petals from a flower than to watch television.

This phrase suggests that the person prefers a simpler or more peaceful activity, such as playing with a flower, over watching television.

Deshojar una flor puede ser una forma de meditación.

English translation of Deshojar una flor puede ser una forma de meditación.

Plucking the petals from a flower can be a form of meditation.

This sentence suggests that repetitive and mundane tasks, such as plucking flower petals, can have a calming or meditative effect.

Fui a deshojar una flor cuando supe que ella vendría.

English translation of Fui a deshojar una flor cuando supe que ella vendría.

I went to pluck the petals from a flower when I knew she was coming.

This is an expression of anticipation or preparation for an event or person, symbolized by the act of plucking petals from a flower.

No puedo evitar deshojar una flor cuando estoy pensando en ti.

English translation of No puedo evitar deshojar una flor cuando estoy pensando en ti.

I can't help but pluck the petals from a flower when I'm thinking of you.

This phrase suggests that the speaker associates the act of plucking petals from a flower with the person that they are thinking about.

Hoy voy a deshojar una flor para determinar si ella me ama o no.

English translation of Hoy voy a deshojar una flor para determinar si ella me ama o no.

Today I am going to pluck the petals from a flower to determine if she loves me or not.

This is a popular activity when someone is in doubt about someone else's feelings. They remove one petal at a time from a flower, alternating saying, 'she loves me', 'she loves me not'.

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