The Spanish word 'deserción' translates to 'desertion' in English. This word is a noun and is often used in contexts related to military, when a soldier leaves their post without intent to return, or in academic circles, when a student leaves their course of study before completion. 'Deserción' can also refer to the act of abandoning or withdrawing support or membership in a group or institution, including one's country or cause, without intending to return or replace it. Its usage is identical to the term 'desertion' in English.
School dropout is a serious problem in our country.
This sentence refers to the issue of students leaving school before they have completed their education, which is referred to as 'deserción escolar' in Spanish.
Factors contributing to university dropout include lack of money and lack of support.
In this example, the term 'deserción universitaria' refers to students leaving university before they have completed their degree. Contributing factors could be financial difficulties ('falta de dinero') or a lack of support in their studies.
Desertion from the army is a crime punishable by imprisonment.
In this sentence, 'deserción del ejército' refers to the act of leaving or abandoning the army without permission, which is considered a serious crime in many countries and can result in imprisonment.