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English translation of deseo


The Spanish word 'deseo' can be used in a similar context as in English, to express a strong feeling of wanting something to happen or to express a desire for something. For example, 'Mi deseo es visitar España' which means, 'My wish is to visit Spain.' It is also commonly used in phrases to convey good wishes like 'Te deseo buena suerte' meaning 'I wish you good luck.'

Example sentences using: deseo

Deseamos paz en el mundo

English translation of Deseamos paz en el mundo

We wish for peace in the world

'Deseamos' is a first person plural form of 'deseo', expressing a collective wish or desire, for global peace in this instance.

Deseo un café por la mañana

English translation of Deseo un café por la mañana

I desire a coffee in the morning

In this sentence, 'deseo' is used to express a preference or wish for something, in this case, a coffee in the morning.

Ella desea ir al cine

English translation of Ella desea ir al cine

She desires to go to the cinema

'Desea' is the third person singular form of 'deseo', indicating that the wish or desire belongs to 'Ella' or 'She'.

Deseo visitar España algún día

English translation of Deseo visitar España algún día

I wish to visit Spain someday

Here, 'deseo' communicates a future wish or aspiration, underlining the speaker's longing to visit Spain in future.

¿Deseas algo de beber?

English translation of ¿Deseas algo de beber?

Do you want something to drink?

In this context, 'deseas' is used as a polite way to ask if someone wants something, beverage in this case.

Deseo que estés bien

English translation of Deseo que estés bien

I wish that you're well

This example demonstrates 'Deseo' being used to express goodwill or a positive wish for someone else's well being.

Mi deseo es ser feliz

English translation of Mi deseo es ser feliz

My wish is to be happy

'Deseo' is used as a noun in this context, representing a deep yearning or wish, which is to be happy in this case.

Deseo aprender a bailar salsa

English translation of Deseo aprender a bailar salsa

I want to learn to dance salsa

This statement showcases 'Deseo' being used to express the intention or personal goal to learn something new, for instance, to dance salsa.

Deseo verte pronto

English translation of Deseo verte pronto

I wish to see you soon

In this case, 'deseo' is used prior to an infinitive verb 'verte' indicating a wish or aspiration of the speaker to meet someone soon.

El niño desea un helado

English translation of El niño desea un helado

The boy wants an ice cream

Here, 'desea' indicates a third person singular desire, belonging to 'el niño' or 'the boy', and the object of the desire is an ice cream.

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