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English translation of desenlace


The Spanish word 'desenlace' translates to 'outcome' or 'ending' in English. While it can technically mean 'unlink', that translation is rarely used. 'Desenlace' is more commonly used in the context of stories or events, referring to the final resolution or conclusion. For example, it can be used to describe the ending of a book, movie, or a significant event.

Example sentences using: desenlace

El desenlace de la película fue inesperado.

English translation of El desenlace de la película fue inesperado.

The outcome of the movie was unexpected.

This phrase references the resolution or result (desenlace) of a movie. This is often used to express the conclusion or finale of a story.

Estoy ansioso por el desenlace del libro.

English translation of Estoy ansioso por el desenlace del libro.

I am anxious for the outcome of the book.

In this example, 'desenlace' translates to 'outcome', indicating the speaker is eager to know how the book will end. This term is commonly used in context with narratives such as novels, films, and plays.

El desenlace de la historia me dejó pensando.

English translation of El desenlace de la historia me dejó pensando.

The outcome of the story left me thinking.

This sentence reflects on the impact of a story's resolution or conclusion (desenlace). It is used to show that the end of the story provoked thought or contemplation.

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