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desembocadura de un río

English translation of desembocadura de un río

mouth of a river

The term 'desembocadura de un río' in Spanish refers to the geographical feature known as the 'mouth of a river' in English. This is a location in which a river -- typically carrying water from inland areas -- meets a larger body of water such as a sea or an ocean. It is typically characterized by a change in the river's flow and often forms a delta or estuary, depending upon the relative strengths of the river and the receiving waters.

Example sentences using: desembocadura de un río

La desembocadura de un río es un lugar importante para la vida silvestre.

English translation of La desembocadura de un río es un lugar importante para la vida silvestre.

The mouth of a river is an important place for wildlife.

This sentence demonstrates the use of the term 'desembocadura de un río' in relation to wildlife. It signifies that the river's mouth plays a significant role as a habitat for various wildlife species.

Solíamos pescar cerca de la desembocadura de un río cuando era pequeño.

English translation of Solíamos pescar cerca de la desembocadura de un río cuando era pequeño.

We used to fish near the mouth of a river when I was small.

In this sentence, 'desembocadura de un río' is used to describe a nostalgic memory of fishing near the mouth of a river in the speaker's youth.

La desembocadura de un río a menudo se convierte en un importante puerto comercial.

English translation of La desembocadura de un río a menudo se convierte en un importante puerto comercial.

The mouth of a river often becomes an important commercial port.

This example depicts the significance of 'desembocadura de un río' in commerce. It expresses that the mouth of a river often serves as a principal hub for trade activities, thanks to its strategic location.

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