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English translation of desde


The Spanish word 'desde' is equivalent to 'from' in English. It is often used to convey a starting point of time or place. For example, 'Desde la mañana' translates to 'from the morning'. It is useful in setting the context or period from which something begins.

Example sentences using: desde

Vivo en Madrid desde 2010

English translation of Vivo en Madrid desde 2010

I have been living in Madrid since 2010

The phrase shows the use of 'desde' to indicate a starting time or moment for a situation or action that still continues.

Estudia español desde la secundaria

English translation of Estudia español desde la secundaria

He has been studying Spanish since high school

Here 'desde' indicates the time from which he started studying Spanish and it continues in the present.

Desde mi casa se ve la playa

English translation of Desde mi casa se ve la playa

From my house you can see the beach

In this case 'desde' is used to refer to a specific point of reference in space from where you can see the beach.

Conozco a Juan desde la universidad

English translation of Conozco a Juan desde la universidad

I know Juan since university

This sentence use the word 'desde' to express the time from which the speaker started to know Juan.

Trabaja desde las ocho

English translation of Trabaja desde las ocho

He works since eight

In this example, 'desde' is used to indicate the start time of an action which is working, and this action is continuing.

El cine está cerrado desde marzo

English translation of El cine está cerrado desde marzo

The cinema has been closed since March

This sentence uses 'desde' to indicate the time from which the cinema closed and it's still closed.

Lo conozco desde niño

English translation of Lo conozco desde niño

I've known him since he was a child

This phrase shows the use of 'desde' to specify the time period from which the speaker has known the person.

Ella vive en Estados Unidos desde su divorcio

English translation of Ella vive en Estados Unidos desde su divorcio

She has been living in the United States since her divorce

In this case 'desde' indicates the time when she started living in the United States - which is after her divorce and it's ongoing.

Desde que comí eso, me siento mal

English translation of Desde que comí eso, me siento mal

I've been feeling bad since I ate that

In this usage, 'desde' refers to the time when a new state or condition started - which is when the speaker ate something and has been feeling bad.

Estoy aquí desde ayer

English translation of Estoy aquí desde ayer

I've been here since yesterday

In this example, 'desde' is used to refer to a period of time beginning in the past and continuing to the present moment.

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