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English translation of descortesía


The Spanish word 'descortesía' translates to 'discourtesy' in English. It is a noun that refers to the act or behavior that shows rudeness and lack of respect or good manners. This word is often used to describe actions that are not considered polite or courteous in conversations or social interaction. Hence, 'descortesía' signifies actions that break the norm of decency, kindness, and respect towards others.

Example sentences using: descortesía

La descortesía de Juan fue inesperada e impactante.

English translation of La descortesía de Juan fue inesperada e impactante.

Juan's rudeness was unexpected and shocking.

In this example, the term 'descortesía' is used to describe a surprising negative behavior displayed by Juan. Moreover, this phrase may imply that Juan is not typically rude, which is why his rudeness was both unexpected and shocking.

No toleraré tu descortesía a mis invitados.

English translation of No toleraré tu descortesía a mis invitados.

I will not tolerate your rudeness to my guests.

This example phrase is typically used to express the speaker's disapproval of someone else's lack of respect or etiquette, in a straightforward and assertive manner. The term 'descortesía' here refers to the inappropriate behavior that the speaker will not tolerate from the other person.

Fui testigo de una descortesía inimaginable en la reunión.

English translation of Fui testigo de una descortesía inimaginable en la reunión.

I witnessed unimaginable rudeness at the meeting.

This statement could be used by someone who is expressing their disbelief and disappointment about the level of rudeness they experienced during a meeting. The word 'descortesía' in this context describes a level of lack of respect that was beyond the speaker's expectations.

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