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English translation of descomponerse


The Spanish verb 'descomponerse' translates to 'decompose' in English. It is primarily used in a physical or scientific context to refer to the process where organic materials, such as plants or bodies, break down naturally over time. The word can also metaphorically refer to the idea of something falling apart, disintegrating or deteriorating. It's used in various contexts and can also mean to 'break down' as in breaking down a complex issue into simpler parts.

Example sentences using: descomponerse

Estos alimentos pueden descomponerse rápidamente si no se refrigeran.

English translation of Estos alimentos pueden descomponerse rápidamente si no se refrigeran.

These foods can decompose quickly if not refrigerated.

This sentence is an explanation of how perishable foods can decompose or spoil if they are not kept in cool conditions, such as a refrigerator.

El cuerpo empezará a descomponerse poco después de la muerte.

English translation of El cuerpo empezará a descomponerse poco después de la muerte.

The body will start to decompose shortly after death.

This sentence describes a natural process that occurs after death. Regardless of the species, bodies will start to decompose or break down shortly after death.

Los plásticos tardan muchos años en descomponerse en la naturaleza.

English translation of Los plásticos tardan muchos años en descomponerse en la naturaleza.

Plastics takes many years to decompose in nature.

This sentence indicates the long duration for which plastics persist in the environment before they decompose or break down. It implies the environmental issues related to plastic waste.

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