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desarrollar un estilo

English translation of desarrollar un estilo

develop a style

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un estilo' translates to 'develop a style' in English. This can refer to various contexts such as fashion, writing, art, music or any other creative process. Here the word 'desarrollar' means 'to develop', 'un' is an article meaning 'a' and 'estilo' stands for 'style'. So, when these words are put together, it suggests the process of creating or improving a unique way or method of doing something.

Example sentences using: desarrollar un estilo

Quiero desarrollar un estilo de pintura único.

English translation of Quiero desarrollar un estilo de pintura único.

I want to develop a unique painting style.

This sentence describes the speaker's desire to create a distinctive way of painting, meaning they want to set their work apart by making it recognizably their own.

Para convertirte en un buen escritor, necesitas desarrollar un estilo de escritura.

English translation of Para convertirte en un buen escritor, necesitas desarrollar un estilo de escritura.

To become a good writer, you need to develop a writing style.

In this instance, it's about implementing a distinct way of writing as a part of one's evolution to become an accomplished writer. This involves cultivating specific methods, techniques, or habits that make their writing identifiable.

Funciona si tienes la ambición de desarrollar un estilo de liderazgo fuerte.

English translation of Funciona si tienes la ambición de desarrollar un estilo de liderazgo fuerte.

It works if you have the ambition to develop a strong leadership style.

This statement reveals the significance of ambition in carving out a dominant leadership style. In leadership, a strong style typically includes decisive fervor, solid vision, good communication skills, and the ability to motivate others.

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