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English translation of desarrollar


In Spanish, 'desarrollar' translates to 'develop' in English. It is used in various contexts such as technology, business, and personal growth. It could mean to start to grow or change into something, to create something over a period of time, or to cause something to unfold or expand. The usage mirrors the English usage very closely. For example, 'Estoy desarrollando nuevas habilidades.' translates to 'I am developing new skills.'

Example sentences using: desarrollar

El estudiante está tratando de desarrollar sus habilidades de lenguaje.

English translation of El estudiante está tratando de desarrollar sus habilidades de lenguaje.

The student is trying to develop his language skills.

This sentence refers to a student who is working on improving his language skills. 'Desarrollar' here stands for 'to develop or improve'.

Voy a desarrollar una nueva aplicación para aprender español.

English translation of Voy a desarrollar una nueva aplicación para aprender español.

I'm going to develop a new application to learn Spanish.

In this context, the term 'desarrollar' is used to signify 'to plan and then create' something. In this case, a new application.

Estamos decididos a desarrollar una estrategia efectiva de aprendizaje.

English translation of Estamos decididos a desarrollar una estrategia efectiva de aprendizaje.

We are determined to develop an effective learning strategy.

This sentence refers to the process of planning and creating (desarrollar) something that doesn't exist yet, in this case, an effective learning strategy.

Los profesores desean desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas de los estudiantes.

English translation of Los profesores desean desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas de los estudiantes.

The teachers wish to develop the students' communicative skills.

In this instance, 'desarrollar' signifies the action of making something better, the teachers wish to enhance their students' communication skills.

Después de la escuela, me gusta desarrollar programas de computadora.

English translation of Después de la escuela, me gusta desarrollar programas de computadora.

After school, I like to develop computer programs.

In this sentence, 'desarrollar' indicates the action of planning and making something, in this case, computer programs.

¿Cómo puedo desarrollar mi vocabulario en español?

English translation of ¿Cómo puedo desarrollar mi vocabulario en español?

How can I develop my Spanish vocabulary?

In this question, 'desarrollar' refers to the desire to enhance or improve one's Spanish vocabulary.

Es importante desarrollar una rutina diaria de estudio.

English translation of Es importante desarrollar una rutina diaria de estudio.

It's important to develop a daily study routine.

In this example, 'desarrollar' means to establish or create something, in this case, a daily study routine.

Trabajamos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de enseñanza.

English translation of Trabajamos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de enseñanza.

We work to develop new teaching technologies.

Here, 'desarrollar' stands for the creation or invention of something that doesn't exist yet, specifically new teaching technologies.

Desarrollar la motricidad fina es crucial en la educación temprana.

English translation of Desarrollar la motricidad fina es crucial en la educación temprana.

Developing fine motor skills is crucial in early education.

In this sentence, 'desarrollar' signifies to enhance or improve, referring to the importance of improving fine motor skills in early education.

Vas a desarrollar un buen acento si practicas regularmente.

English translation of Vas a desarrollar un buen acento si practicas regularmente.

You are going to develop a good accent if you practice regularly.

Here, 'desarrollar' denotes the process of acquiring, or improving something – in this case a good accent, through regular practice.

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