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English translation of desarme


The Spanish word 'desarme' translates to 'disarmament' in English. It is a noun and denotes the act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons. Disarmament generally refers to a country's military or specific type of weaponry and it is often referred to in the field of international relations and world peace talks.

Example sentences using: desarme

Desarme el dispositivo antes de su limpieza.

English translation of Desarme el dispositivo antes de su limpieza.

Disassemble the device before cleaning it.

This sentence gives a direct instruction to disassemble the device before initiating the cleaning process. ‘Desarme’ is the action of disassembling or dismantling.

Desarme el rompecabezas para poder entenderlo.

English translation of Desarme el rompecabezas para poder entenderlo.

Disassemble the puzzle to understand it.

This sentence suggests taking apart the puzzle (either figuratively or literally) in order to better understand it. In this case, ‘desarme’ refers to the action of taking something apart mentally or physically.

La policía hizo un desarme de la situación.

English translation of La policía hizo un desarme de la situación.

The police defused the situation.

The sentence refers to the police taking action to ‘defuse’ or de-escalate a situation, preventing it from getting worse or becoming violent. In this context, ‘desarme’ is used metaphorically to mean deescalating or diffusing tension.

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