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English translation of desafío


The Spanish translation for 'challenge' is 'desafío'. 'Desafío' can be used in any context where the English word 'challenge' applies. For example, it can be used to refer to a difficult task that tests someone's abilities or to challenge a person on their abilities or knowledge. Like 'challenge', 'desafío' can also be used to denote a call to prove or justify something.

Example sentences using: desafío

Me gusta enfrentar desafíos.

English translation of Me gusta enfrentar desafíos.

I like to face challenges.

This sentence describes someone who enjoys facing 'desafíos' or challenges.

Este problema es un gran desafío para mí.

English translation of Este problema es un gran desafío para mí.

This problem is a big challenge for me.

In this sentence, 'desafío' means challenge. We can see that the person who says this finds the problem they're facing really challenging or confronting.

¿Estás listo para el desafío?

English translation of ¿Estás listo para el desafío?

Are you ready for the challenge?

Here, 'desafío' is used to depict something challenging that awaits or is being offered to the listener.

El maratón fue un desafío enorme, pero lo logré.

English translation of El maratón fue un desafío enorme, pero lo logré.

The marathon was a huge challenge, but I achieved it.

In this case, the speaker describes a past situation ('the marathon') that was a big 'desafío' or challenge, which they managed to overcome.

Estoy buscando un nuevo desafío en mi carrera.

English translation of Estoy buscando un nuevo desafío en mi carrera.

I am looking for a new challenge in my career.

In this sentence, 'desafío' is used to express the speaker's desire to face something difficult or demanding in their career path.

La vida está llena de desafíos.

English translation of La vida está llena de desafíos.

Life is full of challenges.

Here, 'desafíos' or challenges refer to difficult or testing situations or tasks in life.

Cada día es un desafío.

English translation of Cada día es un desafío.

Every day is a challenge.

This sentence uses 'desafío' to indicate that every day brings new testing situations or tasks.

Le encantan los desafíos mentales.

English translation of Le encantan los desafíos mentales.

He loves mental challenges.

'Desafíos mentales' translates to mental challenges, indicating tasks requiring mental effort or problem-solving skills.

El desafío está en superar nuestros miedos.

English translation of El desafío está en superar nuestros miedos.

The challenge lies in overcoming our fears.

In this example, 'desafío' or challenge is used to reference the difficult task of overcoming our fears.

El ajedrez es un desafío intelectual.

English translation of El ajedrez es un desafío intelectual.

Chess is an intellectual challenge.

This statement considers the game of chess as a 'desafío' or challenge that requires intellectual ability.

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