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derecho penal

English translation of derecho penal

criminal law

The Spanish term 'derecho penal' refers to 'criminal law' in English. It generally involves the body of both substantive and procedural rules that determine the penalties to be applied by the state to the individuals (adults or minors), who commit criminal offenses. In simple terms, it is the legal field associated with punishment of individuals who commit crimes. Thus, it reflects the social interest in the prevention of harmful behaviors that disrupt social peace.

Example sentences using: derecho penal

Estoy estudiando derecho penal en la universidad

English translation of Estoy estudiando derecho penal en la universidad

I am studying criminal law at the university

This is a simple sentence where the speaker is stating that they are currently studying criminal law at the university. Criminal law refers to the body of law that relates to crime. It includes the punishment of people who violate these laws.

El profesor de derecho penal es muy estricto

English translation of El profesor de derecho penal es muy estricto

The criminal law professor is very strict

This sentence describes the professor of criminal law as being very strict. The adjective 'strict' suggests that the professor has high standards or rules and expects students to adhere to them closely.

El libro de derecho penal es difícil de entender

English translation of El libro de derecho penal es difícil de entender

The criminal law book is difficult to understand

This sentence expresses the speaker's opinion that the criminal law book is hard to comprehend. This could be due to complex language, advanced concepts, or large amounts of information contained in the book.

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