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derecho civil

English translation of derecho civil

civil law

Civil law, also known as 'derecho civil' in Spanish, is a legal tradition and system originating from Roman law and primarily used within Western cultures. It is a body of law that determines the private rights and liabilities of individuals. Often, it revolves around matters of contracts, property ownership, family relationships, and actions for personal injury. It is sometimes contrasted to criminal law in that it pertains primarily to private and not state or public matters.

Example sentences using: derecho civil

Estoy estudiando el derecho civil para entender mejor las leyes de la sociedad.

English translation of Estoy estudiando el derecho civil para entender mejor las leyes de la sociedad.

I am studying civil law to better understand the laws of society.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their current action (studying civil law) and its reason (to understand society's laws better). It shows usage of 'derecho civil' in the context of academic study.

English translation of El derecho civil es un principio fundamental de nuestro sistema legal.

Civil law is a fundamental principle of our legal system.

Here, the speaker uses 'derecho civil' to highlight its importance within the judicial system. 'Derecho civil' refers to the area of law covering disputes between individuals and/or organizations.

Las reglas del derecho civil dictan cómo los ciudadanos deben interactuar entre sí.

English translation of Las reglas del derecho civil dictan cómo los ciudadanos deben interactuar entre sí.

The rules of civil law dictate how citizens should interact with each other.

This sentence reveals the practical implications of 'derecho civil' by explaining its purpose: it provides guidelines for social interaction. The phrase is used as subject to emphasize its role in shaping citizens' conduct.

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