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depreciarse la moneda

English translation of depreciarse la moneda

depreciate the currency

The phrase 'depreciarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'depreciate the currency' in English. This term is very common in economics and finance. It refers to a decrease in the value of a country's currency compared to the value of other currencies. When a currency depreciates, the exchange rate decreases. Consequently, more units of a certain currency are needed to buy one unit of another currency. This can be due to various factors, including economic instability, inflation, interest rates, etc.

Example sentences using: depreciarse la moneda

El impacto económico de depreciarse la moneda es evidente.

English translation of El impacto económico de depreciarse la moneda es evidente.

The economic impact of currency depreciation is evident.

This sentence refers to the way in which the economic impact of a currency depreciating, or losing value in comparison to other currencies, can be clearly seen or understood.

Estamos preocupados por depreciarse la moneda en el mercado global.

English translation of Estamos preocupados por depreciarse la moneda en el mercado global.

We are concerned about currency depreciation in the global market.

Here, the subject expresses concern over a possible or current depreciation of a currency in comparison to other currencies in the international or global market.

Si sigue depreciarse la moneda, habrá una inflación alta.

English translation of Si sigue depreciarse la moneda, habrá una inflación alta.

If the currency continues to depreciate, there will be high inflation.

In this instance, the statement is giving a prediction or forecast of what will happen - high inflation - if the currency continues to depreciate or lose its value.

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