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depilarse con cuchilla

English translation of depilarse con cuchilla

to shave with blade

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con cuchilla' translates to 'to shave with blade' in English. In more depth, 'depilarse' can be broken down to 'depilation' which means the removal of hair, 'con' translates to 'with', and 'cuchilla' translates to 'blade'. So put together, the phrase means the act of removing hair with a blade, which is commonly done for grooming purposes.

Example sentences using: depilarse con cuchilla

Es incómodo depilarse con cuchilla en invierno.

English translation of Es incómodo depilarse con cuchilla en invierno.

It's uncomfortable to shave with a razor in winter.

This sentence conveys a common personal experience that many people can relate to, namely, the discomfort of shaving with a razor, particularly during the colder winter months.

Cuando te vas a depilarse con cuchilla, necesitas una buena crema para después del afeitado.

English translation of Cuando te vas a depilarse con cuchilla, necesitas una buena crema para después del afeitado.

When you're going to shave with a razor, you need a good after-shave cream.

This phrase suggests a tip for those who shave with a razor, which is to use a good aftershave cream in order to soothe the skin post-shave.

Depilarse con cuchilla puede ser peligroso si no estás atento.

English translation of Depilarse con cuchilla puede ser peligroso si no estás atento.

Shaving with a razor can be dangerous if you're not careful.

This phrase warns about the dangers of shaving with a blade, pointing out the need for attentiveness to avoid accidents.

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