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depilarse con crema

English translation of depilarse con crema

to shave with cream

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con crema' directly translates to 'to shave with cream' in English. This is a gender neutral Spanish phrase typically used to address the method of removing body or facial hair with the use of shaving cream for smoother and safer shaving. 'Depilarse' is the reflexive verb for shaving oneself and 'con crema' means with cream.

Example sentences using: depilarse con crema

Mi amiga prefiere depilarse con crema en lugar de usar una navaja.

English translation of Mi amiga prefiere depilarse con crema en lugar de usar una navaja.

My friend prefers to depilate with cream instead of using a razor.

In this sentence, 'depilarse con crema' means using cream to remove body hair. It is a more gentle method compared to using a razor, which can cause irritation or cuts. The speaker is mentioning their friend's preference for this smoother option.

¿Has probado depilarte con crema antes de la competencia de natación?

English translation of ¿Has probado depilarte con crema antes de la competencia de natación?

Have you tried depilating with cream before the swimming competition?

This sentence refers to the common practice among swimmers to remove body hair to enhance their swimming speed. The phrase 'depilarse con crema' is presented as a question, suggesting it as a recommended method for the person addressed.

No olvides depilarte con crema antes de nuestra cita en la playa.

English translation of No olvides depilarte con crema antes de nuestra cita en la playa.

Don't forget to depilate with cream before our date on the beach.

In this sentence, the speaker reminds the person they are addressing to 'depilarse con crema', or use depilatory cream, before their beach date. This suggests a contextual preference or expectation for smooth, hair-free skin.

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