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English translation of dentista


The Spanish word 'dentista' translates to 'dentist' in English. A 'dentista' is a professional who is qualified to treat diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones. This word is widely recognized and used in many Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.

Example sentences using: dentista

Mi madre es una dentista muy talentosa.

English translation of Mi madre es una dentista muy talentosa.

My mother is a very talented dentist.

In this sentence, 'mi madre es una dentista muy talentosa' refers to the speaker's mother professionally being a dentist who possesses a lot of talent. 'Es' is a conjugation of the verb 'ser' used to describe permanent or lasting attributes.

Tengo una cita con el dentista mañana.

English translation of Tengo una cita con el dentista mañana.

I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow.

In the sentence, 'Tengo una cita con el dentista mañana', the speaker states that he/she has an upcoming appointment with a dentist in the following day. 'Tengo' is a conjugation of the verb 'tener', which means to have.

El dentista me dijo que tengo que cepillarme los dientes dos veces al día.

English translation of El dentista me dijo que tengo que cepillarme los dientes dos veces al día.

The dentist told me to brush my teeth twice a day.

In this sentence, 'El dentista me dijo que tengo que cepillarme los dientes dos veces al día', the speaker implies that his/her dentist suggested him/her to brush the teeth two times a day for maintaining oral health. 'Me dijo' stands for told me.

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