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delincuente habitual

English translation of delincuente habitual

habitual offender

The Spanish phrase 'delincuente habitual' translates to 'habitual offender' in English. This term refers to a person who frequently commits crimes and is repeatedly involved in illegal activities. The term highlights the regularity and repetitive nature of their unlawful actions. In both languages, it is largely used in legal and law enforcement contexts.

Example sentences using: delincuente habitual

El policía capturó al delincuente habitual en el acto.

English translation of El policía capturó al delincuente habitual en el acto.

The policeman caught the habitual offender in the act.

This sentence illustrates a situation where a police officer caught a person who regularly commits offenses - in this case, referred as 'delincuente habitual' - while they were committing another offense.

El delincuente habitual fue condenado a diez años de prisión.

English translation of El delincuente habitual fue condenado a diez años de prisión.

The habitual offender was sentenced to ten years in prison.

This sentence provides an example of a possible punishment that a 'delincuente habitual' might receive in the legal system after being convicted for their offenses.

El delincuente habitual vive en la misma calle que yo.

English translation of El delincuente habitual vive en la misma calle que yo.

The habitual offender lives on the same street as I do.

This sentence indicates a situation where the speaker lives on the same street as a person who is known for regularly committing offenses, referred to as a 'delincuente habitual'.

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