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English translation of degenerar


The Spanish word 'degenerar' translates to 'degenerate' in English. This is a verb that means to decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally. A molecule can degenerate, meaning it changes to a simpler form. A situation can degenerate, meaning it gets worse. A person can also degenerate in terms of their behavior or character, generally referring to declining standards, morals or manners.

Example sentences using: degenerar

La situación política puede degenerar rápidamente si no se toman medidas.

English translation of La situación política puede degenerar rápidamente si no se toman medidas.

The political situation can quickly degenerate if measures are not taken.

This sentence describes a possible negative outcome (in this case, a degeneration) of a political situation if certain actions are not taken, expressing the conditional nature of events.

El conflicto ha comenzado a degenerar en violencia.

English translation of El conflicto ha comenzado a degenerar en violencia.

The conflict has begun to degenerate into violence.

This example shows how a situation (a conflict in this context) can deteriorate or 'degenerate' into something worse, thus emphasizing the escalating nature of certain issues.

El debate constructivo no debe degenerar en insultos.

English translation of El debate constructivo no debe degenerar en insultos.

Constructive debate should not degenerate into insults.

This remark is a kind of advice or suggestion, indicating that a beneficial or constructive discussion should not take a negative turn, or 'degenerate', into being offensive or rude.

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