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Defensor del Consumidor

English translation of Defensor del Consumidor

Consumer Ombudsman

The term 'Defensor del Consumidor' in Spanish translates to 'Consumer Ombudsman' in English. A Consumer Ombudsman is an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially in the public sector. Their role is to represent the rights and interests of consumers, ensuring that they are treated fairly and protected from any unscrupulous or harmful business practices.

Example sentences using: Defensor del Consumidor

Mi tío es el Defensor del Consumidor en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of Mi tío es el Defensor del Consumidor en nuestra ciudad.

My uncle is the Consumer Defender in our city.

The speaker explains that his or her uncle has the job of protecting consumers, perhaps as a government position, in their city.

El Defensor del Consumidor ha anunciado nuevas medidas de protección.

English translation of El Defensor del Consumidor ha anunciado nuevas medidas de protección.

The Consumer Defender has announced new protection measures.

This sentence describes a situation where the Consumer Defender is putting in place new policies or protocols to better protect consumers.

¿Conoces al Defensor del Consumidor de nuestra región?

English translation of ¿Conoces al Defensor del Consumidor de nuestra región?

Do you know the Consumer Defender of our region?

The speaker is asking if the listener is familiar with the person holding the Consumer Defender role in their particular region.

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