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English translation of defender


The Spanish word 'defender' translates to 'defend' in English. It is derived from the Latin word 'defendere'. The term 'defender' is a verb and it signifies the act of resisting an attack made on someone or something; to protect from harm or danger. In other contexts, it can also mean to support or maintain a principle or law, or to assert something in the face of opposition or criticism.

Example sentences using: defender

El equipo debe defender el balón con todas sus fuerzas.

English translation of El equipo debe defender el balón con todas sus fuerzas.

The team must defend the ball with all their strength.

This phrase can be associated with a game situation, particularly in football, where the team is required to emphasize defense.

Es nuestra obligación defender nuestros derechos.

English translation of Es nuestra obligación defender nuestros derechos.

It is our obligation to defend our rights.

This is a universal statement related to the human rights context, indicating that each individual has the responsibility to uphold their rights.

Los abogados siempre están listos para defender a sus clientes.

English translation of Los abogados siempre están listos para defender a sus clientes.

Lawyers are always ready to defend their clients.

In a legal context, this phrase emphasizes the commitment and readiness of the legal representatives towards the cases of their clients.

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