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decretar el alto el fuego

English translation of decretar el alto el fuego

decree the ceasefire

The Spanish phrase 'decretar el alto el fuego' translates to 'decree the ceasefire' in English. This phrase is usually used in legal or military contexts. It refers to an official order to stop all fighting, typically as a prelude to peace talks or negotiations. This phrase has a high level of formality, and it is not used in everyday conversation.

Example sentences using: decretar el alto el fuego

El presidente ha decidido decretar el alto el fuego.

English translation of El presidente ha decidido decretar el alto el fuego.

The president has decided to declare a ceasefire.

In this sentence, the verb 'decretar' is used to indicate that the president has made a legal or formal decision to stop the fighting in a conflict situation, which is referred to as 'el alto el fuego' in Spanish.

Nos sorprendió que la ONU pudiera decretar el alto el fuego tan rápidamente.

English translation of Nos sorprendió que la ONU pudiera decretar el alto el fuego tan rápidamente.

We were surprised that the UN was able to declare a ceasefire so quickly.

This sentence expresses surprise at the speed with which the UN, when endowed with the power, can legally order a stop to hostilities or 'decretar el alto el fuego' in a conflict situation.

¿Cuándo piensa el gobierno decretar el alto el fuego en la región?

English translation of ¿Cuándo piensa el gobierno decretar el alto el fuego en la región?

When does the government plan to declare a ceasefire in the region?

This is a question about the government's intention regarding a ceasefire or 'alto el fuego' in a specific region. The verb 'decretar' indicates a formal, legal declaration or decision to stop fighting.

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