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declarar la guerra

English translation of declarar la guerra

declare war

'Declarar la guerra' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'declare war' in English. This is often used in political or historical context when one country officially announces the initiation of hostilities against another. It may also be used metaphorically in conversations to signify the beginning of intense conflicts or disputes in personal or professional situations.

Example sentences using: declarar la guerra

El presidente decide declarar la guerra contra el terrorismo.

English translation of El presidente decide declarar la guerra contra el terrorismo.

The president decides to declare war on terrorism.

In this example, the verb phrase 'declarar la guerra' is used to indicate that the president is making a formal statement of conflict against terrorism.

Si vuelven a atacarnos, no tendremos más remedio que declarar la guerra.

English translation of Si vuelven a atacarnos, no tendremos más remedio que declarar la guerra.

If they attack us again, we will have no choice but to declare war.

This phrase uses 'declarar la guerra' to express the necessity of formal conflict if a condition, being attacked again, is met.

¿Has pensado alguna vez en los efectos que podría tener si decidimos declarar la guerra?

English translation of ¿Has pensado alguna vez en los efectos que podría tener si decidimos declarar la guerra?

Have you ever thought about the effects it could have if we decide to declare war?

This sentence uses 'declarar la guerra' in a hypothetical context, asking about the possible effects of such a declaration.

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