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English translation of debutar


The Spanish word 'debutar' translates to 'debut' in English. It is often used in contexts related to the arts, sports, and other fields where an individual or group is performing or showing something for the first time. Similar to its English counterpart, it can refer to a person's first performance in a particular capacity or role, or the first showing of a play, film, or other production.

Example sentences using: debutar

El cantante va a debutar en el teatro nuevo.

English translation of El cantante va a debutar en el teatro nuevo.

The singer is going to make his debut in the new theater.

Here the word 'debutar' is used to denote the first time an artist, a singer in this case, performs in a specific venue, the new theater.

El director de teatro debutará una obra impresionante esta noche.

English translation of El director de teatro debutará una obra impresionante esta noche.

The theatre director will debut an impressive play tonight.

In this example, 'debutar' signifies the act of presenting something for the first time. The theatre director is presenting an impressive play for the first time tonight.

Esperamos que ella pueda debutar su nueva canción en el concierto.

English translation of Esperamos que ella pueda debutar su nueva canción en el concierto.

We hope that she can debut her new song at the concert.

This use case of 'debutar' refers to the expectation or hope that someone will present something new - in this case, a song - for the first time in a specific setting - the concert.

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