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English translation of debería


The Spanish equivalent for 'should' is 'debería'. It is used to suggest or recommend something, or to say that something is the best thing or what we expect to happen. For example, 'Deberías estudiar para el examen' translates to 'You should study for the exam'. Note, 'debería' is singular and changes according to the subject. For example, 'nosotros deberíamos' translates to 'we should'.

Example sentences using: debería

Debería haber llegado a tiempo.

English translation of Debería haber llegado a tiempo.

I should have arrived on time.

This phrase is expressing regret about being late. The word 'debería' is used to indicate that someone should have done something but failed to do it.

Debería estar estudiando para el examen.

English translation of Debería estar estudiando para el examen.

I should be studying for the exam.

This phrase is indicating a sense of obligation or necessity. Here, 'debería' expresses that the person is expected to prepare for an examination.

Debería llamar a mi mamá más a menudo.

English translation of Debería llamar a mi mamá más a menudo.

I should call my mom more often.

The phrase expresses a personal obligation or duty. The word 'debería' is emphasizing the speaker's belief that they need to increase their frequency of communication with their mother.

El juez debería llegar pronto.

English translation of El juez debería llegar pronto.

The judge should arrive soon.

This is a sentence expressing expectation. Here, 'debería' is used to indicate anticipation or likelihood of the mentioned event, the judge's arrival.

Debería ponerte una multa por eso.

English translation of Debería ponerte una multa por eso.

I should fine you for that.

This phrase is expressing what would be the proper course of action as a consequence of an undesired behavior. The speaker uses 'debería' to suggest that a fine is appropriate.

Debería tomar agua todos los días.

English translation of Debería tomar agua todos los días.

I should drink water every day.

The phrase addresses a recommended action for maintaining good health. 'Debería' is used to suggest this habit as a proper daily behaviour.

Debería evitar los dulces.

English translation of Debería evitar los dulces.

I should avoid sweets.

The phrase is expressing a personal obligation towards maintaining health. 'Debería' is used here to signify something that is advisable.

Debería hacer más ejercicio.

English translation of Debería hacer más ejercicio.

I should do more exercise.

The phrase advises or implies that the person is expected to work out more. 'Debería' is communicating a necessary action for enhancing overall well-being.

Debería aprender a tocar un instrumento.

English translation of Debería aprender a tocar un instrumento.

I should learn to play an instrument.

This phrase indicates a personal aspiration or goal. The use of 'debería' demonstrates that the speaker believes learning an instrument is a worthy pursuit.

Debería ir al médico.

English translation of Debería ir al médico.

I should go to the doctor.

The sentence expresses the suggestion or advice to consult with a health professional, typically due to some physical discomfort. 'Debería' introduces a necessary action considering the situation.

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