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English translation of debe


The Spanish word 'debe' is used to translate the English term 'must'. It is primarily used to express obligation or necessity. Like in English, it is commonly used in formal contexts or the imperative mood. For example, in the sentence, 'One must learn Spanish', you can say 'Uno debe aprender Español'.

Example sentences using: debe

Ella debe estudiar para el examen.

English translation of Ella debe estudiar para el examen.

She has to study for the exam.

In this phrase, 'debe' is used to express an obligation or necessity. The subject 'Ella' is obligated to perform the action of studying for the exam.

Ellos deben lavar los platos

English translation of Ellos deben lavar los platos

They must wash the dishes

Here, 'deben' is the plural form of 'debe', indicating that the obligation is for a plural subject 'Ellos'.

Fernando debe pagar el alquiler

English translation of Fernando debe pagar el alquiler

Fernando must pay the rent

The verb 'debe' is used to express a responsibility that Fernando has, in this case, to pay rent.

Usted debe recoger a los niños de la escuela

English translation of Usted debe recoger a los niños de la escuela

You must pick up the children from school

With 'debe', the phrase imposes a formal obligation on 'Usted' to pick up the children.

Nosotros debemos respetar las reglas

English translation of Nosotros debemos respetar las reglas

We must respect the rules

'Debemos' is the plural form of 'debe', relating the obligation or duty to a group 'Nosotros' to respect rules.

Yo debo hacer la tarea

English translation of Yo debo hacer la tarea

I must do the homework

In this case, 'debo' is used to denote a personal obligation or duty ('Yo') to do the homework.

Este documento debe llevar tu firma

English translation of Este documento debe llevar tu firma

This document must carry your signature

'Debe' is used here to imply a required action; the document requiring a signature.

Mi perro debe comer su comida

English translation of Mi perro debe comer su comida

My dog has to eat his food

This phrase uses 'debe' to express a necessity for the subject, 'Mi perro', to eat his food.

Tú debes llegar temprano a la reunión

English translation of Tú debes llegar temprano a la reunión

You must arrive early to the meeting

In this sentence, 'debes' is used to stress on a strong recommendation or an obligation for 'Tú' to arrive early.

El tren debe salir a las cuatro

English translation of El tren debe salir a las cuatro

The train must leave at four

This sentence denotes an expectation or plan for the train ('El tren') to leave at a certain time using 'debe'.

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