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darse una mascarilla

English translation of darse una mascarilla

give yourself a mask

The phrase 'darse una mascarilla' in Spanish is a reflexive phrase that translates literally to 'give oneself a mask' in English. However, it is contextually used to mean applying a facial mask on one's own face, often in the context of skincare or health measures. This phrase exhibits the reflexive form of the verb 'dar', which means 'to give', combined with the reflexive pronoun 'se'. 'Una mascarilla' translates to 'a mask'. Hence, the phrase can be used when someone is applying a mask on their face for skincare or protection.

Example sentences using: darse una mascarilla

Los domingos suelo darse una mascarilla para cuidar mi piel.

English translation of Los domingos suelo darse una mascarilla para cuidar mi piel.

On Sundays, I usually give myself a mask to take care of my skin.

This sentence talks about a routine or habit - using a face mask on Sundays as a way to look after one's skin.

Voy a darse una mascarilla antes de ir a la cama.

English translation of Voy a darse una mascarilla antes de ir a la cama.

I'm going to give myself a facemask before going to bed.

This sentence is used when someone plans to apply a facemask as part of their skin care routine before bed.

Después de un largo día, decidí darse una mascarilla facial para relajar mi piel.

English translation of Después de un largo día, decidí darse una mascarilla facial para relajar mi piel.

After a long day, I decided to give myself a facial mask to relax my skin.

This sentence expresses the decision made by someone to apply a facemask on their face, indicating that they had a long day and they found it relaxing for their skin.

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