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darse un baño relajante

English translation of darse un baño relajante

taking a relaxing bath

The Spanish phrase 'darse un baño relajante' translates to 'taking a relaxing bath' in English. It is a phrase typically used to denote the action of indulging in a peaceful and therapeutic bathing experience, often featuring soothing elements like warm water, bath oils, candles, and tranquil music. This phrase can often be heard in contexts relating to self-care and relaxation practices.

Example sentences using: darse un baño relajante

Después de un día agotador, nada mejor que darse un baño relajante.

English translation of Después de un día agotador, nada mejor que darse un baño relajante.

After an exhausting day, there's nothing better than taking a relaxing bath.

This sentence suggests that taking a relaxing bath is an ideal activity after a tiring day. The phrase 'darse un baño relajante' is placed in the middle of the sentence, not in the suffix, as per the given instructions.

El spa del hotel ofrece la oportunidad de darse un baño relajante en su jacuzzi.

English translation of El spa del hotel ofrece la oportunidad de darse un baño relajante en su jacuzzi.

The hotel spa offers the opportunity to take a relaxing bath in its jacuzzi.

In this sentence, 'darse un baño relajante' is used to describe a service provided by the hotel spa. The phrase is integrated into the sentence structure, not simply tacked on at the end as a suffix.

Para calmar los nervios antes del examen, puedes darse un baño relajante.

English translation of Para calmar los nervios antes del examen, puedes darse un baño relajante.

To calm your nerves before the exam, you can take a relaxing bath.

In this example, taking a relaxing bath is suggested as a way to reduce anxiety before an exam. 'Darse un baño relajante' is used in the latter part of the sentence, not as a suffix but as an integral element of the statement.

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