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darse un baño frío

English translation of darse un baño frío

give yourself a cold bath

The phrase 'darse un baño frío' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'give yourself a cold bath' in English. It can be broken down into 'darse' (give oneself), 'un' (a), 'baño' (bath), and 'frío' (cold). It's often used to imply the action of immersing oneself in cold water, which could be literally to cool down or symbolically to refresh and invigorate oneself. However, like all languages, context is key in Spanish, and the phrase might not always be used in this exact way.

Example sentences using: darse un baño frío

Suele darse un baño frío para sentirse fresco y renovado.

English translation of Suele darse un baño frío para sentirse fresco y renovado.

He usually takes a cold bath to feel fresh and renewed.

This sentence describes one's daily routine, emphasizing the refreshing effect of taking a cold bath.

Después de un día largo de trabajo, nada como darse un baño frío para relajarme.

English translation of Después de un día largo de trabajo, nada como darse un baño frío para relajarme.

After a long day of work, nothing like taking a cold bath to relax.

This statement expresses the speaker's preferred way of relaxation after work, which is taking a cold bath.

Para despertarme por las mañanas, me gusta darse un baño frío.

English translation of Para despertarme por las mañanas, me gusta darse un baño frío.

To wake up in the mornings, I like to take a cold bath.

This sentence conveys a personal preference for waking up in the morning, which is by taking a cold bath.

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