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dar un desmayo

English translation of dar un desmayo


The Spanish phrase 'dar un desmayo' translates to 'faint' in English. In other words, when someone 'da da un desmayo', it means they lose consciousness for a short period, often due to lack of oxygen or a sudden drop in blood pressure. This phrase can be used medically or casually to describe the action of fainting.

Example sentences using: dar un desmayo

Después de correr la maratón, pensé que iba a dar un desmayo.

English translation of Después de correr la maratón, pensé que iba a dar un desmayo.

After running the marathon, I thought I was going to pass out.

This phrase is highlighting that the exertion of running a marathon triggered feelings of severe lightheadedness, bordering on the brink of unconsciousness, characterized by the term 'dar un desmayo'.

El calor en el desierto es tan extremo que puedes dar un desmayo.

English translation of El calor en el desierto es tan extremo que puedes dar un desmayo.

The heat in the desert is so extreme that you can faint.

The use of 'dar un desmayo' in this context emphasizes that the intense heat of the desert can lead to a loss of consciousness or fainting due to the harsh conditions.

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