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dar flor

English translation of dar flor

give flower

The Spanish phrase 'dar flor' translates to 'give flower' in English. It's used literally to mean the act of giving a flower to someone. This could be a romantic gesture, a sign of friendship, or a simple act of kindness. Metaphorically, it can also refer to sharing something beautiful or precious with another person. As Spanish phrases can have different connotations depending on the culture and region, it's always good to understand the context in which it's used.

Example sentences using: dar flor

El jardinero necesita dar flor al jardín.

English translation of El jardinero necesita dar flor al jardín.

The gardener needs to flower the garden.

This sentence is explaining that the gardener has the task of making the garden bloom or flourish.

En la primavera, los árboles empiezan a dar flor.

English translation of En la primavera, los árboles empiezan a dar flor.

In the spring, the trees start to flower.

The sentence explains a natural process where trees begin to bloom or flower during the spring season.

Para dar flor al proyecto, debemos trabajar arduamente.

English translation of Para dar flor al proyecto, debemos trabajar arduamente.

To flower the project, we must work hard.

This phrase uses 'dar flor' metaphorically, to mean improving or advancing the project by working hard.

Es importante dar flor a nuestras relaciones para mantenerlas saludables.

English translation of Es importante dar flor a nuestras relaciones para mantenerlas saludables.

It's important to flower our relationships to keep them healthy.

The sentence implies that to maintain healthy relationships, it's important to nourish or cultivate them, akin to making a plant flower.

Dar flor a la vida significa disfrutarlo al máximo.

English translation of Dar flor a la vida significa disfrutarlo al máximo.

Flowering life means enjoying it to the fullest.

The phrase suggests that 'giving flower to life' signifies living life to its fullest or making the most of one's life.

Si le das flor a tu automóvil, durará más años.

English translation of Si le das flor a tu automóvil, durará más años.

If you flower your car, it will last more years.

This indicates that taking good care of your car, metaphorically 'making it flower', can extend its duration or lifecycle.

Dar flor a nuestros pensamientos puede ayudarnos a tener una actitud más positiva.

English translation of Dar flor a nuestros pensamientos puede ayudarnos a tener una actitud más positiva.

Flowering our thoughts can help us to have a more positive attitude.

This phrase uses 'dar flor' metaphorically, suggesting that nourishing or cultivating positive thoughts can lead to a more positive mindset.

El guía sugirió dar flor a la imaginación para interpretar el arte.

English translation of El guía sugirió dar flor a la imaginación para interpretar el arte.

The guide suggested flowering the imagination to interpret art.

The sentence suggests that enhancing or cultivating one's imagination, metaphorically 'making it flower', can aid in the interpretation of art.

La entrenadora mencionó que para dar flor a nuestras habilidades, es necesaria la constante práctica.

English translation of La entrenadora mencionó que para dar flor a nuestras habilidades, es necesaria la constante práctica.

The coach mentioned that to flower our skills, constant practice is necessary.

The phrase implies that constant practice is essential to improve or enhance our skills, metaphorically to 'make them flower'.

Si quieres que tu negocio dé flor, invierte en publicidad.

English translation of Si quieres que tu negocio dé flor, invierte en publicidad.

If you want your business to flower, invest in advertising.

This sentence suggests that investing in advertising can help a business to thrive or prosper (flower).

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