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dar el alta (médica)

English translation of dar el alta (médica)

discharge (medical)

The phrase 'dar el alta (médica)' in Spanish directly translates to 'give the high (medical)' in English. However, it doesn't make sense when translated word by word. This phrase is commonly used in medicinal context in Spanish-speaking regions and it means 'discharge (medical)' in English. To provide someone with 'alta médica' means to formally declare that this person no longer needs medical treatment or can leave the hospital or clinic. For instance, after a period of treatment, when the patient has recovered enough, the doctor will 'dar el alta médica'.

Example sentences using: dar el alta (médica)

Después de la cirugía, el médico decidió dar el alta médica.

English translation of Después de la cirugía, el médico decidió dar el alta médica.

After the surgery, the doctor decided to discharge medical.

In this sentence, 'dar el alta médica' is used to express the idea of a doctor allowing a patient to leave the hospital after determining that they are fit to do so.

María recibió el alta médica y regresó a su casa.

English translation of María recibió el alta médica y regresó a su casa.

María received the medical discharge and returned to her home.

In this context, 'recibir el alta médica' refers to the act of being discharged from a hospital or allowed to leave after recovering from a medical condition or procedure.

¿Cuándo piensas que te van a dar el alta médica?

English translation of ¿Cuándo piensas que te van a dar el alta médica?

When do you think they are going to give you the medical discharge?

This sentence uses the phrase 'dar el alta médica' in a question formulation, similarly depicting the idea of being permitted to leave a hospital or medical facility.

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