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daños personales

English translation of daños personales

personal damage

'Daños personales' is a Spanish term that is commonly used in legal and insurance contexts. It translates directly to 'personal damage' in English. Typically, 'daños personales' refers to physical injuries to one's body, but it could also mean mental or emotional harm depending on the context. It is often used to describe the harm or injury that one has suffered due to an accident, negligence, or intentional act.

Example sentences using: daños personales

El seguro cubre daños personales en el accidente.

English translation of El seguro cubre daños personales en el accidente.

The insurance covers personal injuries in the accident.

This sentence is referring to an insurance policy that provides coverage for personal injuries that occurred during an accident. The term 'daños personales' here signifies any harm or injury inflicted on a person.

Los daños personales fueron graves en el incendio.

English translation of Los daños personales fueron graves en el incendio.

The personal injuries were severe in the fire.

In this example, the sentence is talking about a fire incident where the personal injuries sustained were serious. 'Daños personales' here expresses the harm or injuries that people suffered from the fire.

La empresa fue demandada por daños personales al empleado.

English translation of La empresa fue demandada por daños personales al empleado.

The company was sued for personal injuries to the employee.

This sentence is talking about a company being taken to court due to injuries an employee sustained. 'Daños personales' in this context refers to harm inflicted on an employee for which the company is being held responsible.

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