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daños (materiales)

English translation of daños (materiales)

damage (materials)

The Spanish phrase 'daños (materiales)' refers to 'damage (materials)' in English. This is a term often used in the context of property or object-related harm. Generally, it refers to any harm, impairment, destruction, or alteration caused to physical objects or materials. The phrase 'daños (materiales)' is usually used in legal, insurance, and accident-related scenarios in Spanish language context.

Example sentences using: daños (materiales)

El incendio causó grandes daños materiales.

English translation of El incendio causó grandes daños materiales.

The fire caused major material damages.

This phrase demonstrates the use of 'daños materiales' in context, expressing the outcome of a disastrous event like a fire.

La tormenta produjo daños materiales significativos en la ciudad.

English translation of La tormenta produjo daños materiales significativos en la ciudad.

The storm caused significant material damages in the city.

This sentence employs 'daños materiales' to convey the concept of tangible loss or destruction as a result of a storm.

No hubo heridas, pero los daños materiales fueron enormes.

English translation of No hubo heridas, pero los daños materiales fueron enormes.

There were no injuries, but the material damages were enormous.

This sentence uses 'daños materiales' to emphasize the scale of physical destruction, even without human casualty.

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