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English translation of curar


The Spanish word 'curar' translates to 'cure' in English. It's a verb and it is generally used to describe the actions taken by healthcare professionals to restore health to someone who is ill. In a broader context, it can also be used as a term to express the action of rectifying or fixing something, similar to how 'cure' can be used in English.

Example sentences using: curar

El médico va a curar a mi hijo.

English translation of El médico va a curar a mi hijo.

The doctor is going to cure my son.

This phrase is an example of using the verb 'curar' in the future tense, expressing an action that will happen in the future.

Esta crema puede curar la herida rápida.

English translation of Esta crema puede curar la herida rápida.

This cream can heal the wound quickly.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'curar' in the context of medicating or treating a wound or an injury, and the adverb 'rápida' is used to indicate the speed of the action.

¿Cómo se puede curar esta enfermedad?

English translation of ¿Cómo se puede curar esta enfermedad?

How can this disease be cured?

This sentence is an example of using 'curar' in formulating a question, and it refers to seeking a method or a way to treat a particular disease.

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