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English translation of cultura


The Spanish word for 'culture' is 'cultura'. It's used in the same way as in English, referring to the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people. For example, it can be used in a sentence like 'La cultura española es reconocida por su flamenco y su pasión por el fútbol' which translates to 'Spanish culture is known for its flamenco and passion for football'.

Example sentences using: cultura

Nueva York es una ciudad de mucha cultura.

English translation of Nueva York es una ciudad de mucha cultura.

New York is a city with a lot of culture.

In this sentence, the learner is introduced to the idea of using the phrase 'mucha cultura' to denote a place being culturally rich or diverse.

La cultura está en todas partes.

English translation of La cultura está en todas partes.

Culture is everywhere.

This phrase emphasizes the omnipresence of culture, that it might be found in any place or situation. In addition, it serves to introduce the common use of 'está' as 'is' in certain contexts.

Disfruto de la cultura local.

English translation of Disfruto de la cultura local.

I enjoy the local culture.

This statement declares a personal preference and could be used in many contexts, particularly in travel or in discussions about one's own community. It's a basic, but useful sentence for a learner to become familiar with.

La cultura es importante.

English translation of La cultura es importante.

Culture is important.

This phrase expresses the value the speaker places on culture. It's a good example to show the structure of basic Spanish sentences and it also reflects on a common conversational topic.

Quiero aprender más sobre tu cultura.

English translation of Quiero aprender más sobre tu cultura.

I want to learn more about your culture.

This sentence formulates a desire to enhance cultural understanding. It introduces the verb 'quiero' (I want) and the phrase 'más sobre' (more about), which can be applied in various other contexts.

La música refleja la cultura de un país.

English translation of La música refleja la cultura de un país.

Music reflects a country's culture.

Here we introduce the concept of reflection as a metaphor, suggested by 'refleja' (reflects). This is also a demonstrative example of how adjectives (like 'un país') work in Spanish.

Cada país tiene su propia cultura.

English translation of Cada país tiene su propia cultura.

Every country has its own culture.

In this sentence, the phrase 'tiene su propia' (has its own) is used, which can be widely applicable in a variety of contexts.

Estudiar cultura nos ayuda a entender a otros.

English translation of Estudiar cultura nos ayuda a entender a otros.

Studying culture helps us to understand others.

This example illustrates the use of 'nos ayuda a' (helps us to) in a sentence, and it can be applied to other verbs as well.

La comida es una parte de la cultura.

English translation of La comida es una parte de la cultura.

Food is a part of culture.

This phrase provides an example of using 'la comida' (food) and later connecting it with culture. It also highlights the phrase 'una parte de' which is a common way to express the English equivalent of 'part of'.

La muestra de arte refleja la cultura contemporánea.

English translation of La muestra de arte refleja la cultura contemporánea.

The art exhibit reflects contemporary culture.

This example provides learners with a more complex sentence that contains both a specific subject ('muestra de arte', or 'art exhibit') and an object of the verb ('cultura contemporánea', or 'contemporary culture').

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