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cultivar un estilo

English translation of cultivar un estilo

cultivate a style

The phrase 'cultivar un estilo' in Spanish translates to 'cultivate a style' in English. The verb 'cultivar' refers to the action of developing or improving something over time with direct and intended effort. This phrase is generally used in context to refer to the concept of constructing, improving, or maturing a certain fashion or way of doing things, be it personal style, an approach towards work, or a particular professional or life philosophy. In essence, it underscores the significance of personal growth and continual self-improvement.

Example sentences using: cultivar un estilo

Javier ha logrado cultivar un estilo musical único a lo largo de los años.

English translation of Javier ha logrado cultivar un estilo musical único a lo largo de los años.

Javier has managed to cultivate a unique musical style over the years.

In this sentence, the term 'cultivar un estilo' is being used metaphorically to express how Javier has developed a distinct music style over a period of time, by practicing, honing, and refining his art.

Para tener éxito en la moda, es importante cultivar un estilo propio.

English translation of Para tener éxito en la moda, es importante cultivar un estilo propio.

To succeed in fashion, it is important to cultivate your own style.

Here, 'cultivar un estilo' refers to the process of developing a personal style in the field of fashion. This personal style could involve unique designs, patterns, color combinations, or even the way of presenting or exhibiting the creations.

Rosa ha trabajado duro para cultivar un estilo de escritura que la distingue de otros autores.

English translation of Rosa ha trabajado duro para cultivar un estilo de escritura que la distingue de otros autores.

Rosa has worked hard to cultivate a writing style that sets her apart from other authors.

In this context, 'cultivar un estilo' is used to denote the process of developing a writing style. Rosa has been working hard to create a unique narrative tone, language, structure, or rhythm in her writing that differentiates her work from those of other authors.

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