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cuidar el medio ambiente

English translation of cuidar el medio ambiente

environmental care

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar el medio ambiente' translates to 'environmental care' in English. It refers to actions and behaviors that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment. It is often used in discussions about sustainability and environmental policies. This phrase is important in discussions about how individuals and societies can impact nature in positive or negative ways.

Example sentences using: cuidar el medio ambiente

Es importante cuidar el medio ambiente para las futuras generaciones.

English translation of Es importante cuidar el medio ambiente para las futuras generaciones.

It is important to take care of the environment for future generations.

This statement emphasizes the importance of preserving our environment, taking into account its impact on future generations. It assumes responsibility for the wellbeing of those who come after us, suggesting that our actions now can significantly affect their lives.

Podemos ayudar a cuidar el medio ambiente reciclando y reutilizando los productos.

English translation of Podemos ayudar a cuidar el medio ambiente reciclando y reutilizando los productos.

We can help take care of the environment by recycling and reusing products.

This example highlights specific actions (recycling and reusing) as ways to care for the environment. It implies that individual actions can make a difference in environmental preservation, putting the responsibility into each person's hands.

Debido a la situación actual, es esencial cuidar el medio ambiente para evitar más daño.

English translation of Debido a la situación actual, es esencial cuidar el medio ambiente para evitar más daño.

Due to the current situation, it is essential to take care of the environment to avoid further damage.

This sentence frames environmental care as an urgent need given the 'current situation', possibly referring to climate change, global warming, pollution, or other environmental crises. The phrase suggests that inaction or neglect could result in additional harm to our environment.

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