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cuidar a un enfermo

English translation of cuidar a un enfermo

Take care of a sick person

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar a un enfermo' translates to 'take care of a sick person' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the act of providing care, attention, or protection to someone who is not feeling well or who has a medical condition. This care may include ensuring that the person is comfortable, administering medications, and monitoring the person's health condition. It can be used in various contexts such as family, professional health care, or even in referring to taking care of oneself when ill.

Example sentences using: cuidar a un enfermo

Si quieres ser enfermero, debes aprender a cuidar a un enfermo adecuadamente.

English translation of Si quieres ser enfermero, debes aprender a cuidar a un enfermo adecuadamente.

If you want to be a nurse, you must learn to take care of a sick person properly.

This sentence is situational and presents a condition (wanting to become a nurse) which requires learning to take care of a sick person properly, demonstrating the usage of 'cuidar a un enfermo' in a conditional context.

Mi hermano decidió quedarse en casa para cuidar a un enfermo durante el fin de semana.

English translation of Mi hermano decidió quedarse en casa para cuidar a un enfermo durante el fin de semana.

My brother decided to stay at home to take care of a sick person over the weekend.

This sentence is presenting a specific action taken by the subject (the speaker's brother) to take care of a sick person. It uses 'cuidar a un enfermo' to share an instance of making a sacrifice to help someone else.

Cuidar a un enfermo implica muchas responsabilidades y compromisos.

English translation of Cuidar a un enfermo implica muchas responsabilidades y compromisos.

Taking care of a sick person involves many responsibilities and commitments.

This sentence uses 'cuidar a un enfermo' to make a general statement about the responsibilities and commitments involved in the care of a sick person, highlighting the idiom in a more abstract context.

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