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cuidados paliativos

English translation of cuidados paliativos

palliative care

The term 'cuidados paliativos' originates from the Spanish language and translates into English as 'palliative care'. Palliative care is a form of medical care that is designed to provide relief from the symptoms and suffering associated with serious illnesses. It is not a form of treatment for the disease, but rather a way to improve the quality of life for individuals who are suffering. The primary aim of palliative care is to prevent and alleviate pain and other physical, psychosocial, and spiritual problems.

Example sentences using: cuidados paliativos

Los cuidados paliativos son esenciales para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedades terminales.

English translation of Los cuidados paliativos son esenciales para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedades terminales.

Palliative care is essential for improving the quality of life of patients with terminal illnesses.

This phrase is an affirmation of the importance of palliative care, or 'cuidados paliativos', in managing the symptoms and stress of severe illnesses. It emphasizes that such care aids in enhancing the overall life quality of the terminally ill patients.

Un buen equipo de cuidados paliativos puede hacer una gran diferencia.

English translation of Un buen equipo de cuidados paliativos puede hacer una gran diferencia.

A good palliative care team can make a big difference.

This phrase illustrates the impact that a competent palliative care, or 'cuidados paliativos' team can have. It emphasizes that a proficient team can significantly change the life of a patient with a serious illness.

Es fundamental recibir formación en cuidados paliativos para tratar a pacientes en estado critico.

English translation of Es fundamental recibir formación en cuidados paliativos para tratar a pacientes en estado critico.

It is essential to receive training in palliative care to treat critically ill patients.

This sentence brings attention to the necessity of appropriate training in palliative care, or 'cuidados paliativos', for those treating critically ill patients. It implies that such knowledge is crucial to provide effective care to these kinds of patients.

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